figurine是什么意思 figurine的中文翻译、读音、例句 您所在的位置:网站首页 pottery figurine翻译 figurine是什么意思 figurine的中文翻译、读音、例句

figurine是什么意思 figurine的中文翻译、读音、例句

#figurine是什么意思 figurine的中文翻译、读音、例句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: figurine通常被翻译为"小像"的意思,figurine是什么意思 figurine的中文翻译、读音、例句,还有小雕像的意思,在线读音是[figurine],figurine是一个意大利语名词,在《瓦里希意汉词典》中,共找到33个与figurine相关的释义和例句。




1. She collects all kinds of figurines, from vintage Disney characters to anime heroes.(她收藏各种各样的小雕像,从复古迪士尼人物到动漫英雄。)

2. He gave me a tiny figurine of a dog as a souvenir from Japan.(他送给我一只小狗雕像作为他从日本带回来的纪念品。)

3. The shop specializes in selling porcelain figurines of famous historical figures.(这家商店专门销售着名历史人物的瓷雕像。)




例句:Matryoshka Doll is one of my favorite figurine , but I never own any one before. (俄罗斯娃娃是我喜欢的娃娃饰品之一,可是一直都没有收集过。)


例句:Little girl not the light demand follows look like toy figurine in age in oneself, even need a she grow up the behind ideal image. (小女孩不光需要跟自己年龄相仿的玩偶,更需要一个她长大后的理想形象。)


例句:You want me to apologize to a toy figurine? (You want me to apologize to a toy figurine?)


例句:She would have kept a memento of her lover, something small-- i bet she kept it in a fancy jewelry box, the kind with a figurine on the lid. (翻译:所以她肯定会保有她情人的纪念品 很小的东西... 我打赌她藏在精致的首饰盒里了 那种盖子上有小雕像的)


figurine一般作为名词使用,如在dough figurine(捏面人)、glass figurine(玻璃雕塑)、pottery figurine(陶雕塑像;陶俑)等常见短语中出现较多。

dough figurine捏面人glass figurine玻璃雕塑pottery figurine陶雕塑像;陶俑sugar figurine糖人Tanagra figurine塔纳格拉陶俑[亦作 Tanagra statuette, Tanagra figure]wood figurine木雕像例句

1. You want me to apologize to a toy figurine? (翻译:You want me to apologize to a toy figurine?)

2. She would have kept a memento of her lover, something small-- i bet she kept it in a fancy jewelry box, the kind with a figurine on the lid. (翻译:所以她肯定会保有她情人的纪念品 很小的东西... 我打赌她藏在精致的首饰盒里了 那种盖子上有小雕像的)

3. Hey, Sheldon, the new Green Lantern figurine's coming in tomorrow. (翻译:嘿 Sheldon 新的绿灯侠小塑像 明天就来了)

4. I felt very, very badly about breaking that figurine in your office this afternoon, so I... (翻译:今下午打坏你办公室的小雕像 让我非常非常过意不去)

5. Does my Iron Man collectible figurine watch me when I sleep? (翻译:我收藏的钢铁侠公仔也会在我睡觉的时候看着我吗? )

6. You look so perfect, like a little Hummel figurine. (翻译:你看起来那么完美, 像一个小胡默尔雕像。)

7. Perhaps not coincidentally, the rise of figurine-carving modern human cultures in Europe coincided with the decline of Neanderthals. (翻译:也许并不是巧合,欧洲雕刻现代人类文化兴起的时间与尼安德特人衰落的时间是一致的。)

8. The Daijiaytun and Xigaoqiao of Yutian county of Tangshan area is famous township of a clay figurine far and near. (翻译:唐山玉田县的戴家屯、西高桥一带,是远近驰名的泥人之乡。)

9. Carved figurine of an Upsara, on the walls of the Ankor Wat temple in Siam Reap, Cambodia. (翻译:柬埔寨暹粒吴哥窟寺庙墙上的雕刻塑像。)

10. This figurine is routinely repositioned after the cleaner's been in, this picture is straightened every day, yet this ugly gap remains. (翻译:这个小雕像在清洁工每次打扫过之后 都要重新归位 这幅照片每天也都要仔细摆放)

11. The figurine, which you see being ornated with flowers here, was first made as a gift from Danish women... to our Danish king. (翻译:这个正在用花朵装饰的小雕像 起初是丹麦女士当作礼物... 送给我们的国王的)

12. I feel like I gave you, like, a copper figurine for your birthday that I got at that... (翻译:我感觉我好像给你了一个 铜币小雕像作为你的生日礼物)



1. 词释:Figurine是指小型的雕塑或纪念品。可以是人物、动物、花卉等物品的雕塑。有时也用于指象棋或其他棋类中的棋子。

2. 拼写和发音:Figurine的正确拼写和发音是[fɪgjʊˈriːn]。

3. 用途和应用:Figurine通常用作装饰品,可以展示在家庭、办公室或商店的陈列柜中。有时还可以用作礼品赠送给朋友和家人。在游戏中,figurine常常被用作棋子,例如象棋、围棋、国际象棋等。

4. 相关文化:Figurine可以追溯到古代文明,例如印第安人、非洲部落和希腊罗马文化。在现代,figurine成为了一种受欢迎的收藏品,有很多的藏家从各地搜集各种不同的figurine。


1. He gave me a beautiful figurine of a horse as a birthday present. (他送给我一尊美丽的马雕像作为生日礼物。)

2. She has a collection of figurines from all over the world. (她有一批来自世界各地的雕像收藏。)

3. My favorite chess piece is the queen figurine. (我最喜欢的棋子是皇后的棋子雕像。)

4. The figurine was carved out of wood and painted by hand. (这个小雕像是用木头雕刻而成,并且手工上色。)

5. The figurine was so delicate that it broke easily. (这个雕像非常娇嫩,很容易打碎。)

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